Apr 8, 2022 | Advice, Lifestyle, Public Relations
Those who know me intimately will quickly confirm that I hate death and I hate talking about it. Sure, I know, it’s the only certain thing in life but my feelings would not sway. Naively, I believe that we should enjoy a full life; the three scores and ten that...
Aug 2, 2021 | Advice, Lifestyle, Social
Call me old school or whatever but I always preach responsibility to my clients. I am not heavy on the gimmicks or scandals. Also, let’s be clear, I strongly believe that the notion that “all publicity is good publicity” is problematic. I can ramble on but...
Mar 16, 2020 | Advice, Lifestyle, Public Relations, Social
It is impossible to avoid conversations about the coronavirus presently. While driving home a few days ago, the idea of the ‘Creative Approach To Corona’ came to mind. It would be dishonest of me to not admit that I am one of many affected. My clients are...
Oct 12, 2019 | Advice, Lifestyle
I am sitting in bed, attempting to piece together the most appropriate series of words. Really, I made a number of attempts prior to world Mental Health Day to share this blog. Ultimately, I ended up actually writing this on October 12th at 5:00 am and it’s...
Nov 7, 2018 | Lifestyle, Public Relations
The topic of fear of speaking popped up recently during a consultation with a client. During that conversation, I was reminded of how much some people are afraid of public speaking. I’ve sat in the seat where my confidence lacked when it came to speaking out...
Sep 15, 2018 | Lifestyle, Public Relations, Social
Three days prior to the writing of the post, I was approached by an amazingly creative young man who was requesting one specific task. He knew why he wanted to achieve that one thing but was not thinking on a larger scale. After chatting for approximately 15 minutes I...
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