Aug 2, 2021 | Advice, Lifestyle, Social
Call me old school or whatever but I always preach responsibility to my clients. I am not heavy on the gimmicks or scandals. Also, let’s be clear, I strongly believe that the notion that “all publicity is good publicity” is problematic. I can ramble on but...
Jun 14, 2021 | Advice, Public Relations
When choosing the right clients, it’s about the vibe for me! That’s where it starts when I am considering a relationship. I cannot speak for anyone else but there has to be something more other than just the talent, which of course is important. Whether or not we are...
Jun 28, 2020 | Advice, Public Relations, Social
I honestly should not be chuckling but I am extremely entertained. Do you like tea? I do.. Have you patronized tea shops before? I have… Well, Let’s Have Some Tea…Or Not! If you catch on quickly, you may know where I am going with this, if not, I am...
Nov 14, 2018 | Advice, Public Relations
This week we are discussing the “no comment” response that is frequently used and often misunderstood by the user and recipient. This is not the first time that the term ‘no comment’ is coming up in one of my blogs. It was mentioned in my post...
Nov 7, 2018 | Lifestyle, Public Relations
The topic of fear of speaking popped up recently during a consultation with a client. During that conversation, I was reminded of how much some people are afraid of public speaking. I’ve sat in the seat where my confidence lacked when it came to speaking out...
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