Spot A Great Publicist

Spot A Great Publicist

This blog post has been sitting in my drafts for about three weeks. I decided to wipe the dust off on October 31st, the day after National Publicists Day. Yes, there is a day for publicists! We are modern-day superheroes and are well deserving of a day of...
Social Media Assists Public Relations

Social Media Assists Public Relations

I am no social media (SM) expert but I do understand the important role that various social media platforms play in communication. The way you use social media can assist with the success of your PR in your business. When I use the term “use social media” I am not...
Overcoming Bad Publicity

Overcoming Bad Publicity

In last week’s post; “Public Relations: Expectations VS Reality” I addressed a number of misconceptions relating to public relations and publicity. One of the points highlighted was All Publicity is Good Publicity. This week, as the headline says, I...
Public Relations: Expectations VS Reality

Public Relations: Expectations VS Reality

I believe that reality and expectations should not always reside in the same space. Some may disagree but I am of the belief that we need to be realistic and have a clear understanding of our situation/s. Managing our expectations vs reality is quite important in my...
Consistency: Work On Getting It Right

Consistency: Work On Getting It Right

This is my 06th blog post and I feel like celebrating *laughs*. When I launched this website and made a decision to share words of inspiration and knowledge my biggest concern was consistency. Consistency!!! That’s the lesson of the week. My internal dialogue...